On 8 September, the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella visited the Pontifical Shrine of the Holy House of Loreto, participating in the Eucharistic Celebration and lighting the lamp for peace, a rite that has been renewed since 1998, to to entrust Italy to the Blessed Virgin Mary. In this jubilee year, entrustment to the Virgin Mother also expands to all humanity eager to leave, after the time suffered by the Covid 19 pandemic, in the name of universal brotherhood.
President Mattarella was welcomed in the churchyard of the Basilica by Mons.Dal Cin Archbishop Delegate Pontifical, by Don Bernardino Giordano Vicar of the Pontifical Delegation and by the Rector Father Franco Carollo. "Thank you, Mr. President, for having accepted the invitation of this Pontifical Delegation to light the lamp that will burn in the Holy House. It will be the sign of the invocation that every day, from this place, rises to God for all the leaders of peoples and nations, for politicians and administrators, for all rulers, so that they may be loyal promoters and the first servants of true peace, which has as its foundation social justice, the dignity and rights of every person and the safeguarding of creation "thus the Archbishop's greeting to President Mattarella.
The celebration, which had the character of sobriety and in full compliance with the anti Covid 19 legislation, was celebrated by Msgr.Paul Richard Gallagher, Secretary for Relations with the States of the Holy See, who in his homily wanted to recall the devotion of the many pilgrims to the Holy House: “How many times has each of us invoked the maternal presence of Mary in our own life; the presence of a mother who infallibly guides us to an ever deeper union with her son ”.
At the end of the rite of communion, the Pontifical Delegate read the prayer for Italy, today for the whole world, and then the President of the Republic lit the lamp, which was then placed in the most sacred point of the Holy House, above the altar. and in front of the image of the Virgin of Loreto. "Following the example of those who preceded us," prayed Mgr. Dal Cin, "animated by faith in Jesus, Prince of Peace, who governs and guards the fate of peoples and nations, trusting in the intercession of the Blessed Virgin of Loreto, who over the centuries has always manifested the signs of her maternal protection, let us now light this lamp, a sign of the prayer that the Christian people and every person in this jubilee year, raise to God for the leaders of peoples and nations and for all those who are called to govern the civil community in the search for the common good, freedom and true peace "
The President of the Republic, accompanied by Mons.Dal Cin and the Rector of the Basilica, then entered the Holy House, for a personal and silent prayer, and then went back to the churchyard of the Basilica where the Angelus prayer was recited and the blessing of the military and civil Air Force to the whole world.
Representing the Italian Air Force, the Chief of General Staff S.A. Alberto Rosso; from the world of civil aviation, the president of ENAC Dr. Nicola Zaccheo and the general manager Alessio Quaranta.